Want to join us?

The number 1 reason to get a membership is to get to actually row a York boat! They are big, impressive boats, and to think they are human-powered! Your membership also supports the educational and conservation efforts of the society.
There are two basic memberships: Annual and Lifetime.
Annual Membership
By purchasing an annual membership, you support our activities as we promote the amazing boat-building history in Edmonton. When we get our next boat built, you will be on the list to row it, as long as your membership is up to date. The current fee for an annual membership is $50/adult and $25/person under 18 years of age.
Lifetime Membership
If you don’t want to take any chances on missing out on a chance to row the York boat, then take the plunge and buy a Lifetime Membership! It is $250, but you will never have to buy another one! You will also receive a very snazzy certificate.